I think the Pot owes the Kettle an apology
Published on August 29, 2006 By stutefish In Current Events
Looks like John Mark Karr won't be standing trial for the murder of JonBenet Ramsey after all.

The linked article is mostly about a different crime he's being tried for, in a different state altogether, but it does give a brief explanation for why he isn't being tried for the murder of JonBenet Ramsey:

The decision to extradite Karr [to Sonoma County] was made after authorities in Boulder, Colo., informed Passalacqua on Monday that they would not be proceeding with murder charges against the 41-year-old teacher in the JonBenet Ramsey case...

But questions about his involvement [with Ramsey] began cropping up immediately after his arrest in Thailand. His former wife, Lara Knutson, who divorced Karr after he was arrested in Petaluma, said he was with his family on Dec. 26, 1996, the day the girl's battered body was discovered.

The murder case against Karr was dropped Monday after tests found that his DNA does not match the DNA found on JonBenet's body.
(Emphasis mine.)

Now, I recall one or two very heated articles recently, upon the occasion of Karr's arrest. These articles criticized us all in strong and insulting language, for ever being so foolish as to assume that JonBenet's parents killed her. Now that the "real" killer had been found, these articles told us, we should be doubly ashamed of ourselves.


What now?

on Aug 29, 2006
To be fair, neither of the Ramseys have been indicted either.  The unfortunate side effect of this sick persons actions is that they are once again suspects.  And we may never know who really did it.
on Aug 29, 2006
who is joe bennet ramsey?
first clarify it first!
on Aug 29, 2006
who is joe bennet ramsey?

I really hope you're kidding...then again, you may just be too young to remember...then again, you could be completely unaware of the news...

on Aug 29, 2006
To be fair, neither of the Ramseys have been indicted either. The unfortunate side effect of this sick persons actions is that they are once again suspects. And we may never know who really did it.

Thanks for your input, Guy. Since I have recently been reminded in no uncertain terms that, as a non-parent, I'm totally unqualified to speak about parenting-related issues, I've written this article about something else instead. Please feel free to comment on that, if you like.

Thanks again!
on Aug 29, 2006
You're right...John Mark Karr didn't kill JonBenet. But that doesn't change my original assertions that we had rushed to judgement in blaming the parents when there were other possibilities out there.