Are you kidding me?
Published on August 12, 2005 By stutefish In Current Events
So let me get this straight:

The Department of Defense had solid intelligence on the 9/11 hijackers, including names and photographs, well in advance of the hijacking. The DoD tried to communicate this intel to the FBI, but were prohibited from doing so by a Justice Dept. regulation. The FBI was never notified, and (obviously) no action was ever taken.

The 9/11 Commission was briefed on this, but did not include it in their report.

One of the 9/11 Commissioners was the author of the Justice Dept. regulation that prevented the intel from being communicated and acted on. Again, none of this was covered in the Comission's report.

Do I have it about right?

on Aug 12, 2005
Yes you do. But according to the left it's ALL GW's fault!
on Aug 12, 2005

Aint it a hoot!  And all done by Clinton!  Except if you listen to the MSM and the LLL liberals.

It would be funny, if 3000 people did not lose their lives.