Put your economic theory where your mouth is!
Published on January 19, 2006 By stutefish In US Domestic
Alrighty, JU, here's the deal. I'm stumped.

A certain outspoken and intensely focused member of our community has recently made the following comment:

"For the average American to be unable to buy as much this year as they did last year with their income is not economic growth. As far as jobs are concerned it depends of how much they pay and what benefits are included. IF A PERSON HAS A JOB(S) THAT DO NOT PROVIDE THE INCOME NEEDED TO LIVE, THAT IS NOT A SOLUTION."

I guess I missed the edition of Conservative Sheep Magazine that covered this, but I have no idea what to say to this.

Anybody else want to take a crack at it?

Argue on the merits only, please. No namecalling or brush-offs. If you can't make a substantial and constructive comment, please stay away from this article.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 22, 2006

Bah. What the fuck do Americans know about conservatism? Watch and learn some proper conservatism from Canada, asstards, as Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada drink deeply from the cup of victory on the morrow.

Just because your rectum stretchers are more profiencient than ours, does not mean we have never seen 6 foot rectums.  We have at least one canadian one posting here, as you demonstrate.

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