I used to watch TV.
Of course, I couldn't watch regular broadcast TV, because the reception is bad.
So I had to get Cable.
Now, Cable TV is interesting. With broadcast TV, the shampoo manufacturers pay for your TV programs, you pay for the shampoo, and you get shampoo commercials on TV. For premium cable, you pay for the shampoo, and you pay for the programs, but you don't get shampoo commercials. And with regular cable, you pay for shampoo, you pay for programs, and you still get shampoo commmercials.
That's only the beginning, though.
Once I started paying for Cable, I started thinking that I needed to get my money's worth. And that meant rearranging my life to accomodate the show schedule. My friends want to go out? I can't, because I'm paying good money to get Adult Swim, so I damn well better stay home and watch it.
Since I don't want to be a slave to my TV, I had to get a TiVo, too.
And that right there almost doubles the cost of my Cable TV. It's starting to feel like throwing good money after bad.
So I canceled the TiVo service.
And I canceled the Cable service.
And I got myself a 3-movie Netflix account.
Sure, I'm about a season or two behind on all the latest shows: 24, Lost, Stargate... and that kinda sucks.
On the other hand, I have access to all the old TV show reruns I care to watch, without having pay for hours and hours and hours of old TV show reruns I never want to see again.
Out with the Friends, in with the Scrubs, I always say.