All You Villains, Hear My Call!
Published on February 25, 2005 By stutefish In Politics
Assume, for the sake of argument (heh), that I am a reasonable man. Assume that I am a reasonable man who--no-one knows why or how--holds an unreasonable opinion: that George W. Bush is, on balance, a good President.

So here's my question for all you Bush-haters (and/or rational moderate sensible people) out there: if you were given the opportunity to present a single argument, a single concrete fact or line of reasoning, to change my mind on this, what would you choose? What evidence or logic would you employ to support your position?

That is, what is the Single Most Important Consideration, in your catalog of reasons to hate Bush? What is the one you would use, if you could only use one, to convert others to your way of thinking?

Bonus follow-up question: what piece of evidence or line of reasoning would change your own mind?

Please: No laundry lists of complaints, no unsourced quotes or references, and no factual statements without supporting evidence.



Comments (Page 5)
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on Feb 26, 2005
it was a nice read out but i don't know why u seem such disappointed with bush.though he has created such frolic throughout the world he still must be praised for his war rebelling campaign.
on Feb 26, 2005
As a politician I give George W. Bush in A plus. When I look at his policies to deal with the issues facing America I give a D-.

He either has not effectively dealt with in issue i.e. Medicare

Or he has made a difficult situation worse i.e. trade, deficit, environment and the discord that exists in the United States today.
on Feb 26, 2005
And, why is Ken Lay, Bush's buddy, who stole millions upon millions of dollars still walking around today, a free man, while Martha Stewart is sitting in a jail cell for a stupid trade that she may or may not have gotten duped into making, and for which she earned peanuts compared to Lay? Double standards and hypocrisy is Bush's trademark.

What does that really have to do with Bush, absolutely nothing. If you have a problem with Ken Lay "walking around" then ask the prosecutors in Texas. And just in case you didn't know, Ken Lay's trial will start possibly later this year, so he will get his turn in court.

Budget cuts to the rich is a proven failure, in that the money will not trickle down to great numbers of individuals, and certainly not enough to stimulate the economy. As others, including draginol, have pointed out, it has enabled them to hire one or two more employees. Well, that's a drop in the bucket compared with what this country really needs, that being funding of education, health care, environmental protections, road rebuilding, etc. Wealthy CEO's do not need more profits.

The tax cuts have already stimulated the economy and helped many Americans that are not part of the "evil rich".

How about lying our way to war? That's a biggie, as it is costing thousands upon thousands of deaths and maimings. For what? It's very clear now that Saddam, though a bully and bastard, to say the least, was NO immediate threat to the US. He had no WMD's. He had no ties to Al Qaida. He did monetarily support the Palestinians. But, biggest thing he actually did have - OIL. Bush is a lying sack of shit. Along with all his other neocon death cult war criminals.

If Bush "lied" then so did John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, and all the other democrats who said Saddam was a threat to this country and that he had WMD. I would go into more, but since you believe in the "oil war" conspiracy there really isn't much point in doing so.

So, please ask yourself, what had Bush really done that has benefitted anyone except the pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, corporate CEO's and those at the top 5% of the economic profile in this country? What has he done? Ask yourself that, then decide who you would support.

A majority of voters just supported him enough to get him a second term. Instead of the constant complaining and conspiracy theories about Bush, why don't you tell the democratic party to get back to reality and come up with ideas instead of hate.
on Feb 26, 2005

# 45 is no answer to #60. I said the conversations between Prof. Tsurumi and George W. Bush at Harvard when he was a student were first hand between the two of them. The Professor has written several articles stating his first hand conversations between him and George Bush. It is just like the former Speaker of the Texas House that stated he got George into the Guard as a political favor. It is like the former Sec of the CO of Bush that said although the actual documents used in the CBS program were fake, that she typed documents very similar and that Bush did not obey the orders of his CO to take his physical. She also confirmed that he was grounded. The records released by DoD included his Grounding Order and the reason given was "Failure to take physical" His pay records showed he received NO PAY for 6 months in late 1972 for drills which means he did not attend drills at any location during that period.

This is *still* hearsay. All we have is *your* word and nothing else to back up your claim. If there were articles written then SHOW them! She later recanted this statement. Your statements don't jibe with what Lee1776 posted in reply #52. No reply 45 does not answer any questions. But the gist of reply #45 bears *directly* on you! Nothing you can say or do will chage the fact that he has an "honorable discharge.
on Feb 26, 2005

there is no question tax cuts have stimulated the economy but not nearly enough to replace the lost revenue and to balance the budget. In addition the GDP gains are not producing nearly enough jobs for the growing number of workers in this country.

The supply-side stimulation is not the most effective way to grow the economy and thus produce jobs and additional tax revenue to balance the budget. In a time of recovery to be experiencing an annual budget deficit in the range of 675 billion is simply unconscionable.

Bush is simply not facing up to the reality that his economic, tax and spending policies are not producing growth and the needed tax revenue to pay for the a defense, health and expenses relating to our growing and aging population. The imbalance can not be resolved buy just cutting spending.
on Feb 26, 2005
We're back to arguing about Bush's National Guard service?

Wow, how timely, while we're at it, why don't we whine and moan over disco, three mile island, or hey, maybe we can discuss the mating habits of the Tse Tse Fly.

Irrelevance is Irrelevance, no matter the subject!!

In my military career, I can think of many troops with whom I proudly served, but wouldn't vote for. On the other hand, I've helped drum a few troops out who I would vote for in a second (they weren't bad people, they just never adapted to military life.

There are legitimate reasons to agree or disagree with Prs. Bush, but he IS president, and he DID get re-elected. Get over it and get on with your lives!!! ;~D
on Feb 26, 2005
Just answer this question lap dog and stupid fish. Would you send your child to fight in the IRAQ war for its current cause. Of course, you probably will find that easy to respond too since you obviously have never been close to that real lift situation. Oh, there will be some sore of goverment in IRAQ that might allow us to maintiain a military base in the area to use multi-million dollar weapons to blow up caves. But, it will be years before those people know and want a democarcy if ever. If we would have used diplomacy eventually, the regime would have collapsed and far fewer people would have died, in particular a bunch of kids that have to do what they are told and expect semi-wise decisions to be made.

Here is a fact for you two to dispute, Asama is currently in the US getting ready to stand trial for destroying 2 towers in New York and killing Americans..
on Feb 26, 2005
I guess the Bush pay records and grounding order from DoD are not first hand info. You are so full of BS
on Feb 26, 2005
Please: No laundry lists of complaints, no unsourced quotes or references, and no factual statements without supporting evidence.

Guess you didn't get much to hang a hat on.

Though I supported GW in the election, I'm certainly not entirely enamored with him (nor do I hate him).

My biggest gripes, adding a huge additional bill to medicare in the form of a prescription drug program (becoming more mandatory spending) and the huge increase in the Dept of Edu funding. Though, in my estimation, well intentioned, not appropriate for the Feds (seems to me that anything the Fed implements requires numerous revisions at additional cost because they NEVER get it right the first time). All that is needed to substaniate this claim is a review of SS, Medicare/Medicaid cost projections when implemented vs. actuals today (Medicare/Medicaid's share of mandatory spending continues to balloon - from 18% in '80 to 35% in '00 - can be found at the CBO site) and the number and frequency of submitted bills to revise and fix NAFTA, GATT, NCLB, ad infinitum which can be found at the Senate history site.
on Feb 26, 2005
His pushing of the Patriot Act and his numerous lies to the public while keeping an eye out for his special interest buddies. What more does one need to question this man's motives and sincerity? If Bush wanted to make things right for me, he can: * fix his proposed budget by only cutting the pork not important programs designed to help the little man * openly push for a full repeal of the Patriot Act and the more recent Intel Reform Act (mandating National Driver's Licenses) * Establish an new independent 9/11 Commission to fully investigate and explain to Americans what happened that day and how, in full concise detail, explain why certain buildings mysteriously broke into flames, why Pres. Bush said he saw the first plane on t.v. when it wasn't possible for him to have done so, and how it took over two hours to scramble jets after the incidents. If a serious effort that provided real answers was provided to families of 9/11 victims to be rest assured that their government cares enough about this matter I'd give credit to G.W. if he'd just push for it. * Openly apologize and give out double the amount of recompense to survivors of the Iraq war because of HIS ADMINISTRATION's intel "mistakes" concerning troop deployment size, armor / supplies, and the primary reason given to go to war in Iraq. Let's see the money where the mouth is. Also, reinstate the open delivery of American bodies coming back from Iraq so the American public can live in reality, knowing what the true cost of the war is instead of delivering the dead g.i.'s in secrecy as if there was something to hide and that we were somehow not proud of their great sacrifice. * Fire Don Rumsfield for his many mistakes as S.O.D. and beg Colin Powell to come back in his stead * Announce criteria / goals for Iraq to meet before withdrawal can begin. * Stop fucking around with your religious right and push for a pro-life court nominee! Use bully pulpit to help erase pro-abortion law (of course you won't do this Bush, you were only pandering...but I can still wish...) ....I could go on, but why? None of these problems will be properly addressed, what do you all think?
on Feb 26, 2005
How about the Healthy Forests Initiative? Just another mechanism to hand industries the rights to cut down timber on federal lands, under the guise of reducing fire threats.

Nonsense. Do you live out West? Last fire season, we lost thousands of acres of timber to forest fires, numerous homes and businesses from lightning strike intitiated fires. Why? Because the enviro-nazis (Sierra Club, et. al.) won't let logging companies (or anyone) come in to clean up all the fallen fire fuels (read: dead trees, fallen branches and underbrush overgrowth). The whole west side of the city I live in is still blackened and a person I work with nearly lost their house (a house that used to be in a forested area, where there is now acres of blackened dead trees).
on Feb 26, 2005

I guess the Bush pay records and grounding order from DoD are not first hand info. You are so full of BS

I just love it when you go off on these side tracks. *YOUR* the one full of BS! Just *how* do pay records and groundiing order support your supposed conversation with Bushs prof? And how do they negate the *fact* that he has an *honorable* discharge? Now go wipe yourself because your spouting BS again.
on Feb 26, 2005
COL Gene

Here is Bush's pay records, please look again:Link

I was also a little off, he attended drills was 52 days between 1 Oct 72 FY and 1 Oct 73 FY when he left service. If you can find drill attendence doctments within the units after twenty year, I would say they are most likely 99.9% forged. Units destroy those attendence records after eight years per the MARKS filing system, AR 25-400, that was in effect at the time.

Sir, this is getting to be a dead horse. If there was any real proof at all of these threories, good old Dan Rather would be shouting it as loud as he could in order to clear his name.

That's My Two Cents
on Feb 26, 2005

The far left works so very hard to prove why they keep losing. This obsession with th enational guard thing is, frankly, just bizarre. Especially since these same guys were perfectly fine with Clinton.

on Feb 26, 2005

Your link shows that Bush did not attend drills in may,june, july,Aug, sept and December which is what I said. You are required to attend drills each month and he failed to attend drills during 6 months in 1972. That was also documented on his OER that said he could not be rated during this period because he was not observed. In addition, he did not take the required physical which resulted in him being grounded. Bush was in the Air Guard to fly for which the tax payers spent a lot of money to train him. You do not have the option to disreguard regulations especially as an Officer! Had Bush been Joe Smith, he would have had to pay the penality of not following the regulations!
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