All You Villains, Hear My Call!
Published on February 25, 2005 By stutefish In Politics
Assume, for the sake of argument (heh), that I am a reasonable man. Assume that I am a reasonable man who--no-one knows why or how--holds an unreasonable opinion: that George W. Bush is, on balance, a good President.

So here's my question for all you Bush-haters (and/or rational moderate sensible people) out there: if you were given the opportunity to present a single argument, a single concrete fact or line of reasoning, to change my mind on this, what would you choose? What evidence or logic would you employ to support your position?

That is, what is the Single Most Important Consideration, in your catalog of reasons to hate Bush? What is the one you would use, if you could only use one, to convert others to your way of thinking?

Bonus follow-up question: what piece of evidence or line of reasoning would change your own mind?

Please: No laundry lists of complaints, no unsourced quotes or references, and no factual statements without supporting evidence.



Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 25, 2005
The reason I hate his policies - They are not making life better for the vast majority of Americans!
on Feb 25, 2005
His scientific policies are the most prevalent things I disagree with.
on Feb 25, 2005
I don't like his environmental policies and his ignoring scientific facts.
on Feb 25, 2005
Thousands of Americans have died in a war fought for no factual reason. You provide the facts for why we are fighting the war that justies the loss of American life!!!!!!
on Feb 25, 2005
His fiscal policies are a disaster. The debt and the interest it will require will mortgage the future of our country. There is no reason given the fact we are in a recovery to be having an annual deficit of $675 Billion. He has no plan or intent to balance the budget and begin paying down the debt.
on Feb 25, 2005

Thousands of Americans have died in a war fought for no factual reason. You provide the facts for why we are fighting the war that justies the loss of American life!!!!!!

Sir.... I do understand how you feel. And you have a right to your opinions. However please try to use correct facts. American losses are *under* 2000. About 1500 to be a little more exact.
on Feb 25, 2005
It's so hard to avoid a laundry list sometimes....Seriously though, I have many reasons for disliking Bush but my number one/two are the horrific and unnecessary war he has gotton us in to and his destruction of the international respect, if not good will, the US used to enjoy. Thanks for this article though. It's nice to hear an honest call for honest opinions. What prompted your writing it? And, in response, what's your single, rational reason for liking the man?
on Feb 25, 2005

Lets be totally factual about Iraq

1450 dead, 10,000 combat injuries, 15,000 non-combat injuries and we will have committed $300 billion of our tax dollars if Congress approves the $82 Billion supplemental Bush just requested.
on Feb 25, 2005
My biggest complaints with George W. Bush are the No Child Left Behind Act and the US Patriot Act. He is a president who has, according to many sources I have read (although I never actually heard the piece) stated that the country would be better as a dictatorship as long as he were the dictator. He also has a long legacy of disrespect for the Constitution, especially as regards personal freedoms, and he has taken an issue that belongs under state control (education) and federalized it, greatly limiting states' powers. All while CLAIMING to be a "small government" advocate.
on Feb 25, 2005
Wow, Gideon, nice to see the Libertarian's come out swinging! (Not that they don't usually. It's usually the Green's who come out hugging.)
on Feb 25, 2005

Lets be totally factual about Iraq

1450 dead, 10,000 combat injuries, 15,000 non-combat injuries and we will have committed $300 billion of our tax dollars if Congress approves the $82 Billion supplemental Bush just requested.

Oh ye of little or no understanding. Stay with the program. The man said and I quote

Thousands of Americans have died

Which is incorrect so I gave him facts! Nobody said a thing about wounded or otherwise, did they? Of course except for you.
on Feb 25, 2005
he and his associates have convinced themselves that ends justify means.
on Feb 25, 2005

Just thought you wanted to be complete. Don't you care about the 25,000 injured or the 300 billion of our tax dollars?
on Feb 25, 2005

COL Gene said:

The reason I hate his policies - They are not making life better for the vast majority of Americans!

Okay, fine, but is there a specific concrete example here? Anywhere?

enigmagnetic and Myrrander said:

His scientific policies are the most prevalent things I disagree with.


I don't like his environmental policies and his ignoring scientific facts.


Do either of you have a specific example in mind? Anything concrete and factual, to support your claim that your opinion is correct? Something that might actually convince me?

gman said:

Thousands of Americans have died in a war fought for no factual reason. You provide the facts for why we are fighting the war that justies the loss of American life!!!!!!

Um, no. I'm not here to convince you of anything. This was your big chance to convince me. And, I'm sorry to say, you blew it.

COL Gene added:

His fiscal policies are a disaster. The debt and the interest it will require will mortgage the future of our country. There is no reason given the fact we are in a recovery to be having an annual deficit of $675 Billion. He has no plan or intent to balance the budget and begin paying down the debt.

But again, failed to include any factual support for his factual statements.

Based on these early replies, I have to say that the idea of me changing my mind is ridiculous. But all options are still on the table.
on Feb 25, 2005
Well, here's my proof. I don't have links but they'd be easy to find. The US government has finally acknowledged that every reason given for going into Iraq, (ties to Al Quaida, WMD's, etc.) has been proven false. Throw into that countless dead Iraqui civilians, a lot of American deaths and casualties, and a country in chaos without an exit strategy for us and I think that's cesure in itself. As to my other point, post 9-11 the US was held in a state of grace as far as the world was concerned. Nearly everyone supported us, hurt for us, wanted to help us. In a few short years Bush has created havoc with that good will, and with our long held international respect. Just look at how many American travelers are putting canadian flags on their back packs even in Western Europe. The world thinks we are cocky, violent, arogant, pre-emptive unilaterists, and Bush has done nothing but encourage this opinion.
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