A Rant
Published on May 4, 2005 By stutefish In Current Events
This gentleman explains that his tranformation is part of his "[Native American] Indian background as a member of the Huron and Lakota tribes... Following an ancient Huron tradition, Avner said he is changing himself into his totem of a tiger."

According to the article:

That explains the catlike tattoos that cover his face and body, the surgery that split his lip and the implants he had placed in his forehead to shape his face more like that of an animal. It's why he has metal studs embedded in his upper lip, where he can put in his whiskers when he wants.


He had surgery on his ears so that they come to pointed tips, and his inch-long nails are painted tiger orange with black stripes. He wears contact lenses so that his pupils appear to be oval, catlike slits... He had his own teeth removed and replaced with the feline dentures... [H]e'd still like to have studs placed on each side of his head so he could put on tiger ears to complete his look.

Now, let me distill this story down to its purest essences:

The Purpose of the Transformation
To fulfill an ancient Huron tradition, becoming a tiger.

Things the Ancient Huron Traditions Did Not Have:
+ High-quality "catlike tattoos that cover [the] entire body".
+ Surgery that splits the lip.
+ Implants that "shape [the] face more like that of an animal".
+ Metal studs for attaching whiskers to the lips.
+ Ear surgery, to give them pointed tips.
+ "Feline dentures".
+ Tiger-stripe nail polish.
+ Studs installed on the sides of the head, on which to mount prosthetic ears.
+ Tigers

Can we at least all agree that wherever this guy is going (and may he find everything he longs for, at the end of his path), it has nothing to do with with ancient Huron traditions?

I mean, the ancient Hurons didn't have access to modern cosmetic surgery technology. I'd imagine whatever kind of transformation they were into, it was much more a spiritual and mystical thing. An inner transformation, if you will.

The way I see it, if this guy had put all of his time and money into mastering the spiritual transformation, he'd probably be able to morph into a tiger at will by now, without any expensive and unnatural medical procedures.

And I'm pretty sure the ancient Huron medicine men would have a few choice words to say about big cats native to North America.

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