More notes on a Red Hat class my employer sent me to.
The second installment (
Linux File Hierarchy Concepts
+ Single-rooted, inverted-tree structure
+ "Root" is represented by a "/" symbol.
+ Case sensitive element names
+ Slash-delimited paths (e.g. "/usr/home/asshat")
Some Important Directories
+ Home directories (e.g., "/root", "/home/")
+ Binary directories (e.g., "/bin", "/usr/bin")
+ System binary directories (e.g., "/sbin", "/usr/sbin", "/usr/local/sbin")
+ Foreign filesystem mountpoints (e.g., "/media", "/mnt")
Other Important Directories
+ /etc System config files
+ /tmp Temp files
+ /var and /srv Server data, where "server" means "application". The data in these directories is used by applications for their own mysterious purposes.
+ /proc and /sys System data, where "system" means "the physical hardware and the kernel itself". Data in these directories specifically describes hardware and kernel configurations and activities.
+ The code libraries (e.g., "/lib", "/usr/lib", "/usr/local/lib")
The Current Working Direcotry Determines where to begin looking for stuff (commands, usually.)
+ pwd Shows absolute pathname of your shell's current working directory.
Basically, a bunch of basic stuff about navigating the filesystem (file and directory naming rules, absolute pathnames, &c.). I'm waaay beyond this.
Changing Directories
+ To your home directory: cd
+ To your previous working directory: cd -
Insert a bunch of useful basic info about ls, cp, and mv here. Also, rm and touch. Oh, mkdir and rmdir, too. I already know all this.
Using Nautilus The GNOME GUI filesystem browser. Yay.
Some stuff about Nautilus.