In case anyone cares.
Published on June 24, 2005 By stutefish In US Domestic
I've changed my mind about the Supreme Court decision to allow eminent domain seizures of private property for private development. So if you care about such things, here it is: I was wrong. Those of you who have been laboring over the past day to convince me to see things your way, have succeeded. Thanks!

Edit: To clarify, in the comments to another article, I had been arguing that all SCOTUS had done was say that if a local government wanted to seize private property for private development, that was a local gov't issue and the Constitution didn't prohibit it. Then I thought about it some more, read more arguments against that interpretation, and read some of the Dissent (from the 4 Justices who voted against). Now I'm thinking the decision was totally wrong and unacceptable.

Now, this part is for conservatives only: Justify Jose Padilla.

on Jun 24, 2005
I cannot justify the imprisonment of ANY AMERICAN citizen, no matter what they are accussed of, charge him!! jose no matter what else is an american citizen and should be treated as such.

then hang him, heh heh heh
on Jun 24, 2005
From what I can tell, the Bush Administration is making almost the opposite argument: That Padilla's citizenship in no way diminishes or negates his status as an enemy combatant. I'm not sure that's much of a justification, though.
on Jun 24, 2005
You mean Abdullah Al Muhajir. If he wants to be an islamic terrorist so bad, please address him as his real name.
on Jun 24, 2005

From what I can tell, the Bush Administration is making almost the opposite argument: That Padilla's citizenship in no way diminishes or negates his status as an enemy combatant. I'm not sure that's much of a justification, though.

Actually stute, he's damn lucky. What they are holding him for is considered a treasonable offence. And treason commited during time of war carries a death sentence.
on Jun 25, 2005
And treason commited during time of war carries a death sentence.

Treason committed at ANY point carries a death sentence.

Quick trivia question: What's the one crime specifically mentioned in the Constitution of these here United States?
on Jun 25, 2005
Treason committed at ANY point carries a death sentence

until the accused is charged, tried and convicted, he can't be punished. that's the problem with philipnolaning his ass first rather than afterwards.

What's the one crime specifically mentioned in the Constitution of these here United States?

as far as the trivia question goes, i'm not quite sure what you're asking for because there are a number of crimes mentioned in its entirety....but counterfeiting may be the right answer anyway
on Jun 25, 2005
What's the one crime specifically mentioned in the Constitution of these here United States?

as far as the trivia question goes, i'm not quite sure what you're asking for because there are a number of crimes mentioned in its entirety....but counterfeiting may be the right answer anyway

Sorry KB that's not the answer. the answer is treason. Article III section 3

Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.