Oil prices could rocket to $100 within six months
Published on July 5, 2005 By stutefish In Current Events
The Democratic Underground has latched on to a "controversial" analyst's prediction that oil could rise to $100 per barrel by this Winter.

"And George does nothing", they say.

My prediction: George will continue to do nothing, and oil will not rise to $100 per barrel in the next six months.

But that's just me.

on Jul 11, 2005
Isn't it interesting that this supposed terrible economy has somehow been able to absorb $60+ per barrel oil without much of an affect?

4th of July was the biggest travel weekend of the year for the first time in history. I guess people are willing to part with their money, even though they are 110% sure that tomorrow they will be out of jobs and sleeping in the streets! ;~D

They are wrong about the "failing economy", wrong about Prs. Bush's polices and they'll be wrong about their doom and gloom oil prophecies.