Or, there are other blog communities than these
Published on August 11, 2005 By stutefish In Life Journals
One of my favorite LiveJournal communities is Customers Suck!.

It's often a fun and exciting read. It's also really helped me to better understand, respect, and help the clerks who handle most of my real-world business transactions. I strongly recommend it to anyone who works in customer service. Or anyone who sometimes needs customer service. Seriously.

Anyway, if there's one thing I've learned from the C_s community, it is this:

If the customer is wrong, but refuses to accept this fact, they will call your corporate office, complain about your bad service, and you will get in trouble for following policy and the laws of physics.

Therefore, to the limit that it is possible in this imperfect world, try to stay on your boss's best side, since he is all that stands against you and heavy-handed and unjustified punishment from corporate HQ, based on the lying accusations of rude and stupid customers.

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