I jumped the gun, and the gun won... or something.
Published on August 17, 2005 By stutefish In Current Events
So it looks like I was wrong about the whole Able Danger thing (my article). The issue is a lot more complex and inconclusive than I thought, and the implications aren't really clear yet. I apologize for mouthing off when I should've kept the ol' pie hole shut.

That is all. Carry on.

on Aug 17, 2005
i'm not sure why you're apologizing (i mean i'm not sure what convinced you things weren't as simple as they may have seemed), but i gotta acknowledge one thing. this isn't the first time i've seen you concede an error. i find it extremely refreshing, responsible and exemplary and you've earned my respect.
on Aug 17, 2005
Thanks, bee. I try to maintain a certain minimum level of humility. Glad to see it's making a favorable impression.

Seriously, thank you for the positive recognition.

I discovered recently that it's a widely-held principle of psychology that if you praise an 80% success, you increase the chances of the praise recipient turning in a 90% success the next time they try. But if you criticize a 20% failure (the flip side of that 80% success), you increase the chances of the recipient not bothering to try again, or try as hard, the next time.

So thank you very much for taking the time to promote, in a small way, peace and understanding here on JU!
on Aug 17, 2005
I just read the original.  While I am not totally up on the whole Able Danger issue, how were you wrong?
on Aug 17, 2005
I'm not up on it myself, I read the article previously but didn't respond since it's not my forte. How were you wrong as Doc asked, because I didn't read you being hostile or anything. And yes, it is refreshing to admit you're wrong if it deems so. A little humility is good for the soul!
on Aug 17, 2005
There are a whole bunch of articles about the Able Danger program & how the 9/11 Commission did or did not handle the information about the program & its work product. Just Google Able Danger & you can spend a day easily.

It is a bit convoluted, but it is difficult to avoid speculation about Jamie Gorelick & about the content of those documents Sandy Berger discovered in his shorts.

Good of you to offer yourself up for sacrifice, stutefish, but I think your concerns are still valid. I'm curious, as well, about what you discovered that prompted this "retraction."

on Aug 17, 2005
I also think my concerns are valid, but it now seems like it's waaay to early to be sure of the whistleblower's credentials and reliability.

As my favorite conservatives have been saying for days now, there's something worth looking into here, but let's wait and see what the real story is, before making accusations.
on Aug 17, 2005

I also think my concerns are valid, but it now seems like it's waaay to early to be sure of the whistleblower's credentials and reliability.

AH!  Ok, I thought the story was wrong.  But it still apparently has legs.  So just the source may be wrong.

Still, I have seen you admit you were wrong on a couple of occassions.  I like that (especially since I have done the same).  It makes your statements all the more valid when you are right.