You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Published on November 10, 2005 By stutefish In War on Terror
For those of you wondering if there's anything more to the story than Phoenixboi's Italian video footage, I recommend the following jumping-off points for additional information:

Ablution Exclusive: Weapons Expert Challenges White Phosphorus Claims


Willie Pete!!!!

I'm not endorsing either of these sources as accurate or unbiased, but I do think they make a good beginning for anyone sincerely interested in learning more about White Phosphorous, the policies surrounding its use as a weapon, and the context of the RAI footage. They also examine the footage in some detail, and find several clues that the narrative endorsed by Phoenixboi and others is not accurate.

So, holiday wishes of good hunting and good judgement to anyone interested in pursuing or discussing this issue!

on Nov 10, 2005
You'd be hard pressed to find some sort of weapon that doesn't have some sort of chemical in it, so dishonest, irrational Bush haters are always going to find some weapon, even phospherous flares, to claim atrocities over. The problem is, if we were doing exactly what they claim we were doing, there's nothing illegal about it, and we probably weren't even doing that much.