Somebody seems a little unclear on the concept...
Published on November 30, 2005 By stutefish In Blogging
So the Vatican is evil because it won't advocate condom use as a means to counter the spread of AIDS. Instead, Catholic doctrine teaches that using a condom is a sin.

If they really cared about stopping the spread of AIDS, they'd encourage people to use condoms.


Because I'm sure there are a millions of good, devout, Catholics out there right now, saying to themselves "I'd totally use a condom before committing adultery with this promiscuous, high-risk sexual partner, but out of devotion to my God and respect for the spiritual teachings of my Church, I have to go in bareback."

I mean, wouldn't a good Catholic already have the whole "sexual purity" thing covered, by being chaste before marriage, and being faithfully monogamous to their spouse after marriage? The spread of AIDS (and other STDs) among good Catholics should be almost nil already. And if you're engaging in high-risk sexual activities with promiscuous partners, I doubt that commitment to the teachings of the Catholic Church is at all a factor in your decision-making process.

Seriously, this has got to be the most retarded argument ever. I imagine (I could be wrong, but I doubt it) that the argument comes from people who don't want to admit that "sexual purity" isn't just oppressive outdated religious prudery, but a real, biological fact, like brushing your teeth or eating healthy meals or getting a good night's sleep.

From gonorrhea to syphilis to pubic lice to AIDS, it's clear that chastity and monogamy are simply good hygiene. But since religion is out of favor these days, we must all now pretend that condoms are a magical cure-all for people who don't take good advice seriously.

Thanks, but no thanks. Sometimes the old superstitions are still the best.

on Nov 30, 2005

Using condoms as a safeguard against AIDS is like Playing Russian Roulette.  Perhaps worse.  For it gives a false sense of security.

That being said, you are quite correct.  Given the teachings of the Church, to advocate anything else would be to contradict their principals.  Just because we know that some men are going to stela, should not be a reason to remove that commandment.  And those that are expecting the Church to do that, are woefully ignorant of both the Church, and their teachings.

on Nov 30, 2005
Using condoms as a safeguard against AIDS is like Playing Russian Roulette. Perhaps worse. For it gives a false sense of security.

Right. What most people fail to realize is that virii are EXTREMELY small organisms, small enough to pass through a latex barrier, at least. While spermicide may help, it's not 100% effective.

BUT, it's much cooler to take on the Vatican. After all, it's THEIR MORAL STANCE that's killing people, not people's individual actions (eyeroll).
on Nov 30, 2005
I use the safest method of all, i am monogamous.