So I thought it might be interesting and fun to put forward the following two questions for discussion: Is morality the same in all times and places, or does it vary from time to time and place to place? And Is your moral code the one true moral code, and all others are wrong; or is your moral code one of many, all more or less equally true? To get the ball rolling, here's my answers: Morality is the same in all times and all places. It does not vary. There is one t...
There are a lot of things I would do for a million dollars. But pulling the wings off a butterfly isn't one of them... Or is it? There are at least two kinds of people in the world: One kind of person has a million dollars and takes a sick pleasure in manipulating others into pulling the wings off of butterflies. Another kind of person could think of a million dollars' worth of Better Tomorrow they could buy, if only they had the cash. Which kind of person are you? How much wou...
WARNING! I am about to say something morally repugnant. If you are offended by things like Holocaust Denial and thought experiments depending on extreme examples of moral relativism, stop reading now. Okay, so the problem with the Theory of Evolution is that it leads to conclusion that the Holocaust, which killed many of undesireables such as Jews, Gypsies, and Homosexuals, is no more evil than the Bird Flu, which kills many birds of various types. According to evolution, both ...