Yes, yes, but what about the results?
Published on September 20, 2005 By stutefish In Current Events
Okay, so Bush is Evil.

Iraq was about the oil. Or about delivering beatings to poor brown people. Or maybe it was just stupid. Whatever. I'll accept any claim you might make about Iraq. Heck, let's even allow that maybe--just maybe!--9/11 was engineered by Evil Zionazi Neocons as an excuse to put U.S. troops in Iraq to make it easier to nuke Iran's peaceful uranium processing facilities.

I'll grant you anything.

But let me ask you a question or two.

Who is doing more to rebuild Iraq today, private and federal U.S. agencies, or the "insurgents"?

I mean, we all know that Halliburton is horribly corrupt and is skimming a huge percentage of the reconstruction budget to line their own evil pockets. But it's still less than half the budget. What's happening to the rest of the reconstruction budget? It's being used for reconstruction.

Meanwhile, what's the insurgency doing? Blowing up things--often things that have been reconstructed, or are in the middle of the reconstruction process. And what's worse, they're blowing up people. Not just evil occupation troops and greedy private contractors and brutal mercenaries, either. They're blowing up civilians. Churchgoers (well, mosque-goers). Children.

They blew up the U.N. building, and took special pride in killing the top U.N. reconstruction official and driving the U.N. out of the country entirely.

Doesn't it seem , by any objective measure, that right now today Halliburton--in all its greed and incompetence--is doing more for the people of Iraq than the insurgency is?

We hear that Iran and Syria are enabling the free flow of insurgents into Iraq. What are those insurgents bringing? Disaster recovery experts? Aid workers? Food and medicine? Schoolteachers? Diplomats? Project coordinators? Laborers? Construction materials? What, exactly, are they doing to help build a better tomorrow for anybody? What are they offering, besides death and destruction?

By all means, let us explore the shortcomings of our government and it's contractors. But don't you dare tell me that Halliburton, in all its disglory, isn't the best thing going in Iraq today, and is making a positive change while the opposition faction runs around killing people and destroying infrastructure.

It's sad, but if the insurgents were actually a reconstruction agency, and were twice as corrupt and incompetent as Halliburton, they'd still be doing infinitely more good in the world than they're doing right now--which is no good at all, and quite a lot of bad.

Everybody seems to think that the worst problem facing us today is a corrupt and incompetent Halliburton. We should be so lucky. I'd rather have an imperfect reconstruction contractor than a perfect insurgency. Which one are you working to get rid of?

Not that I actually believe all the horror stories about American ugliness. I'm just saying that even if those stories were true, the plain fact is that the U.S. doing more for Iraq today than all of its opponents put together. Even if you believe that the Bush Administration is acting out of greed and ignorance, it's clear that their greed and ignorance is having a significant positive side effect in Iraq. Meanwhile, the insurgency that claims to care so much about the wellbeing of their fellow arabs does nothing but kill them and destroy their country.

I ask you again: of all the troubles facing Iraq today, which one is your priority?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 20, 2005
Well said.
I bet no Halliburton employees ever booby-trapped the body of a dead child so that it would explode when the parents came to claim it, killing them, too.
That's the kind of people no...barbarians, that the Lefties support, whether they admit to it or not.

Have an insightful on me.
on Sep 20, 2005
George Bush is Eeeevvviiiilll!

And the liberals are just idiots. Ignorant stupid idiots as well.
on Sep 20, 2005
And the liberals are just idiots. Ignorant stupid idiots as well.


It's obvious that the opposition faction thinks I'm an ignorant stupid idiot myself. Now, I know that this isn't true. Since the opposition faction is also made up of real live human beings, I assume that they also aren't really ignorant stupid idiots.

I'm just, you know, waiting to see some evidence.
on Sep 20, 2005
Evil? Nah. Misguided? Perhaps.

So your question is this: corrupt Haliburton vs. murdering insurgents

Why not got-their-shit-together Haliburton vs. murdering insurgents?

I don't think it's too much to expect honesty and integrity from our own. We may not always get it, but we should always demand it.

But to answer your question, I support the US efforts to stabilize and rebuild Iraq.
on Sep 20, 2005
I hate to raise the hackles of Bush fans out there, but really, what we're trying to right now is confront the problem we didn't need to have because we're already there. We give moral support to our troops because they have to do their job and we just hope they come home safely. We keep a respectful silence on the initiatives of a Commander-in-Chief even if the strain on our resources shows and an honorable closure to this War seems evasive at the moment. But to compare a military opponent (terrorists) to a "horribly corrupt" company( to use y your words) just to make Halliburton look good makes your post suspect as being in Dick Cheney's payroll. But then again, it could just be points.
on Sep 20, 2005
It's more a question of priorities, for me.

Also the bizarre insistence by some people that the real problem in Iraq is the contractor who is imperfectly contributing to a better tomorrow.

Again, the Iraqis would be lucky if Halliburton's skimming was their worst problem--which isn't actually a point I concede. But if you believe that Halliburton is corrupt, there's still the problem that even in their corruption they're still helping people.

How can you justify all the time and energy you spend opposing them, rather than opposing, say, the people blowing up their countrymen in the name of saving them?

I look forward to the day that TexaWahine's vision of an transparently honest Halliburton comes to pass. I believe that day is coming, slowly but surely. But like I said, what are my priorities? There's only so many hours in a day, and only so much sugar in my blood. Thus, I'm going to rate "terrorist asshats who kill people" higher on my To-Do List than "reconstruction contractors who aren't perfect". It sounds to me like TW has a similar idea.

I'd love to hear why Gene, for example, reverses those two items.
on Sep 20, 2005
but but but {liberal speaks} but Bush is responsible for all the deaths everywhere, because. well he just is! and if you do not agree with me you must be a neocon Nazi. jingoistic pig!!
on Sep 20, 2005
Perhaps it is time to join the satanists. It does seem as if evil is going to save the world.
on Sep 20, 2005
Great Point Stutefish! (one that I've made before, but is very worthy of another point of view!)

Cindy Sheehan, Michael Moore and others throw the term "Freedom Fighters" around when referring to the bacteria infesting Iraq. Yet none of them can give one example of the "Freedom" for which the bacteria fight.

To be against the war in general is one thing, but to take sides is not "anti war" it is merely "pro" the other side. To side with the bacteria is to back terrorism.
on Sep 20, 2005
but but but {liberal speaks} but Bush is responsible for all the deaths everywhere, because. well he just is! and if you do not agree with me you must be a neocon Nazi. jingoistic pig!!

Hmm, sounds more like Dabe than Super M Man!
on Sep 20, 2005
I'm evil too. We have a secret handshake, but I forgot it.
on Sep 21, 2005
It does seem as if evil is going to save the world.

Only if you're a liberal; then you prefer it that way.

I'm evil too. We have a secret handshake, but I forgot it.

You make the AC/DC-Tommy Lee "devil horns" with your index and pinkie fingers, then you interlock them with the other person, touching the backs of the folded (middle and ring) fingers 666 times. It takes a while, but at least we know who we are, right?
on Sep 21, 2005
Yet none of them can give one example of the "Freedom" for which the bacteria fight.[/quote---PT2K

They fight the freedom we're trying to bring them.
on Sep 21, 2005
Ah, but Righwinger, what if we're not trying to bring them freedom?

What if Iraqi freedom is just a side effect of greedy and ignorant American efforts to arrange things for their own benefit? I don't believe this, but what if we pretended for a moment that this is the case?

Doesn't that still leave a gaping hole where the opposition presents its own positive side effects to blowing people up?

Unless the positive side effect is the killing of Americans and the weakening of our country. But of course our own countrymen would never settle for that as a complete justification for all the insurgent violence... would they?

on Sep 21, 2005
I don't think freedom is a gift that can be given, which is part of the reason why I find this war suspect.

The Iraqi people have to demand what they want. If they want freedom, then it is up to them to fight for it. We can help, sure. We can be their allies. But we can't give them freedom.
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